Safe Sport – an important message to all our stakeholders

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Singapore Cricket Association is committed to ensuring that all participants in its community play, practice, compete, officiate, work, volunteer and interact in a positive environment, free from harassment and abuse. SCA ensures that all our stakeholders exist within a psychologically, emotionally and physically safe cricket environment.

It has established a Safe Sport Policy to ensure that all participants are aware of their rights, responsibilities and the standards of behavior expected of those participating in our sport.

This Policy also sets out procedures to report any abuse and harassment (including protections from any retaliation or repercussions for such reporting).

SCA is obliged to communicate our Safe Sport Policy to all stakeholders. This is available at the SCA website at , providing guidance on how to report a concern, as well as the response and resolution process.

We have also formally appointed 2 trained Safeguarding Officers, Mr Mohamed Shoib s/o Abdul Razak and Mr Muthumuni Chamal De Silva Siriwardena, and also ensure that our coaches in the national team set-up complete the online Safe Sport modules.


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